PIV-centric sexuality in popular culture

Posts tagged “the x files

I’m pregnant. No, not by aliens.

The X-FILES (1993-2002).  oh how i love this show.  i loved it when it first came out, and i nostalgically still love it.  i loved scully, i loved how she and mulder interacted and how they never ever hooked up (until they did) and i loved how this show was different than any other show out there.  BUT.  now that i look at it more closely, and ive watched every single episode over the last year or so on my ipod…well the x-files (and all alien-abduction scenarios) is probably the most perfect illustration of one of our common themes/criteria — rape and rape culture — there is.  thats probably why teh menz like the sci-fi so damn much.  but i digress.
